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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lent is a long season

Sea BreezesAlthough signs of spring are starting to show, this season of Lent remains a difficult one for me. The forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday are a time of reflection and contemplation for us Christians. The fact that I am singing a Lenten cantata with our community concert choir makes this Lent a very introspective one for me. The music we are singing is beautiful, powerful and filled with the sadness of this season. When we rise in voice as one and sing "Father, forgive them!" I am again reminded that we crucified the Lamb of God, and I hang my head in shame. Then we have to face our Lord's Passion Week and work through the agony of Maundy Thursday and that Last Supper, the darkness of Good Friday and the Crucifixion and the waiting through Holy Saturday and the memory of His agony. Ah me....The sunrise of Easter Sunday seems so far away. Tonight I will sing of "The Wounded King of Kings' and remember that such love as this is the most beautiful love the world has ever known. Like spring, Easter will come. Wishing you a Holy Lent.

1 comment:

Kasey said...

Hello Aunt Phyllis,
Isn't this blogging the greatest? I've just started, but I think its going to be a great way to keep in touch with family (like you!) and friends. I want you to know how much I enjoy reading your post and that I've put you on my favorites with a link to your blog from my page.
The children are growing up so fast! But aren't they all such cuties??!!