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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Work and Fat Tuesday

Sea BreezesI have been to Marietta, that is where I have been. Recently, I went with a team from my high school to visit Marietta High School which is an International Baccalaureate school. We are striving to put this curriculum in place at our school. It was a wonderful and very informative trip. What I am trying to say is that I have been working, and working.
I have been away from my blog too long. And here it is Shrove "Fat" Tuesday. Harold and I will go to Ash Wednesday services at seven in the morning for the Imposition of Ashes at St. Cyprians, our sister parish that was originally built for the freed slaves. It is a simple and humble little church near the river. I feel the presence of love there. As Father Ted dips his thumb in the ashes burned from last year's Palm Sunday palms and marks the simple cross on our foreheads, I will again hear him say "thou are dust and to dust thou shalt return." Once again, I feel the connection to my Christians brothers and sisters who for so many centuries have knelt and heard those same words. Here is wishing all of you a Holy and Blessed Lent. As we prepare for the Passion of Our Lord and His Easter Resurrection during these forty days of Lent, may we be ever reminded of His sacrifice and His love. What is our response to this Love?