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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sending Love to You All

Sea BreezesHere I am again after a long hiatus. Life gets in the way for a writer, and a writer should just get in the way of life! We are still waiting on H to get a job; it has been almost a year of waiting, and hoping and praying. We are praying on our Christmas miracle this year that he will get his job and we can get settled into a new routine. I still dream of my little farm with the horses and chickens and maybe a goat or two. Heck, I don't even know if I can handle one goat. The furry English Cockers are wonderful. They keep us sane and laughing at the same time! I guess that is why I love animals so much as I love taking care of things. I am already planning next year's garden and it will be beautiful. O I have been trying to learn to knit but I am a kluz when it comes to knitting. I have a Scottish friend who swears she can teach me, so I will give knitting a try one more time. I love knitted things, homemade things. The older I get, the less stuff I need. That is a great thing that happens as your kids grow up. Christmas will be a bit sparse this year on presents, but after all we know that we have already received the greatest gift the world has ever known. The Christ Child will be born again in a stable to save the sins of the world. This advent season, we are getting read for Him. We put up a little tree this year and I made some homemade angels to decorate. It is humble, for this is a year for humility in the family. We have one child who has left the flock temporarily, but I know he will return, as God says He knows all our names and each little lamb is special. That gives me comfort. Blessings to you all this Holy Season and may the one who came down from heaven be with you and bless you. In the name of our Savior, Jesus the Christ, I send love.