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Monday, February 22, 2010

Weary of Winter

Sea BreezesI am weary of winter. I have never liked winter. I don't like all this resting. Resting trees, resting grass, resting hanging plants, resting animals, resting spirits, resting, resting garden, resting in the recliner. How much rest does one's world need? Our winter here in coastal Georgia is a laugh to some. We have a young teacher at school who is in flip flops every day. When I asked her if her feet were cold, she smiled at me and said, "Girlfriend, I am from the Adirondacks, this is not cold!"
Ok, Ok, so we really don't have a cold winter. No one here has seen snow for over 20 years. Not even a flake. I am still weary of winter. I can't wait until spring. I love to write about spring. Just the word makes me want to jump up. Spring can't come soon enough. If it is still winter where you are, then you too are probably filled with winter weariness.
This is the season of lent. Easter is just around the corner. Tomorrow is supposed to be a surprise warm day and then back to cold winter. Come, spring come. Can you hear me? I am ready for yard work, garden work and planting. I am going to spend tomorrow looking for signs of spring. I know they are out there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Pet Peeve

Sea BreezesMy pet peeve is people who start blogs and then get behind in posting. That is PROCRASTINATION and it is universal tragedy! You know the ones, their blogs are linked on yours and they haven't written anything new in two years, their last post was their engagement and now they have two children. Or, there is the blogger, who goes weeks, even months without posting.. what the????

Stand up against this and demand Consistent Blogging.

If you share this peeve, let me hear from you.

Until then, bug the bloggers who persist in procrastination.

I've gotta go, my life is calling and I need to take this call.