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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Goodbye Spring

Sea BreezesWhat happened to our spring? Here on the coast spring comes in so fast and runs away as if summer is chasing her. Summer lives here, I am sure of it. We will hit the high 80's this week. Now before you say, you couldn't stand this heat, well slow down. You do get used to it. Mid 90's and above in the summer with 100 per cent humidity is the norm. I become like an alligator going from pool to pool. Fortunately, I have friends with pools who like to swim with friends who have pools. Ah summer, I was born for summer.

School will be over soon. This has been a tough year, and I am so glad to hit the beach, the pool and the horse along with the bicycle. Staying active is so important, and I plan on doing a lot of that this summer.

Hope your spring is longer than ours. Easter was so fun. We went to the farm and shot pistols off the front porch into the pond and then settled down for a lovely meal. We feed the horses carrots and enjoyed a country Easter. Thank goodness, HE is risen! Happy spring.

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