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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here they come......

Sea BreezesReady, set, here goes, here come the grand babies, all FIVE (5)...Blake and gang are coming tomorrow evening, on their way to Disney World to go camping. We are so excited. Katie and her babies are coming for the day on Saturday, so chaos will be transpiring. How I look forward to these hours with all these children I love who aren't our children, but the children of our children. Scripture mentions seeing your children's children. What a blessing. We are so blessed. They add so much joy to our lives, these children of our children. I am so glad we had children. They are blessings and gave us grandchildren to be further blessed. Thank you Lord for these blessings that come in little boy and little girl packages. Please give us the energy and good health to continue to enjoy and love them. Amen.

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