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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dreaming of... Chickens?

Sea BreezesI can hardly stand it. The Easter bunny has brought us more lovely fresh eggs. Aren't they beautiful nesting in the hay? I said hello and thank you today to the lovely hens who laid these beautiful eggs. Also, thank you to my friend Steve who owns these girls who can really lay some pretty eggs. Can you see the green ones in there? I am in love with chickens. When I was a girl, my Aunt Gert had chickens and a coop she kept spotless.I have found memories of gathering eggs. I am trying to talk my husband into some chickens. So far, I haven't got very far in convincing him that we need some fine hens around here. He says we have enough animals with the two old fat fart dogs and the spoiled porch cat. But Harold, think of the rooster crowing in the early morn and the chickens darting in and out of the azaleas. I can dream.

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