Sea BreezesThey finally came. Well, not they, one did. A lovely bright red cardinal.Let me back up.Last summer we hung a bird feeder out in the front yard. I put some great birdfood in the feeder. Hey, I would have eaten it, fruits and seeds. Not one bird showed up,nary a one. I have consulted bird experts. They wag their heads. Where do we live, they ask. In the country, I reply. Birds like the country. Do we have trees, they ask. Oh, yeah, six giant live oaks in the front yard, I reply. Do you have cats, they ask? No cats, I reply. Do you have close noisy neighbors, they ask. Uh, no, we live on an acre and a half corner lot with no one behind or beside, I reply. Dogs, they ask. Two old fat fart dogs who only move fast when dinner is announced, I reply. Don't know what your problem is, the bird experts conclude. So, months go by, and no feathered diners at the feeder. So this weekend, we simply moved the feeder. I sat on the front porch and waited. Saturday afternoon he finally came. Mr. Cardinal took his place at our birdfeeder and enjoyed our buffet. No others feathered friends came, but we are hopeful. Mr. Cardinal will surely tell his friends about the new eating establisment in the neighborhood. It all goes back to the old adage, location, location, location. We moved the feeder and they, well he, came.
I am so glad the old lady has a bird to watch now! It will give you something to do in your spare time...ha!ha!!
Watch the smart mouth kid. You are going to need me in the near future, and remember, I have caller ID, too.
Thats great! I love watching birds, and I thought (I actually could have dreamed it up) that cardinals are a sign of good luck. Do you know if thats true?
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