Sea BreezesThe Old Gray Mare and her husband the old Gray Mule are home from keeping the precious granddaughter. We are so tired, we haven't stirred sinced we walked in the door. The 14 plus year old dog that went with us is still asleep in his dog bed. What's wrong with us? The precious granddaughter takes two naps a day and goes to bed around seven in the evening. She sleeps all night. She eats three meals a day, eats I can't remember how many snacks, gets her diaper changed I can't remember how many times, plays with every toy she owns, laughs at everything we do, wants and gets to read every book she touches, dances to her singing duck and eats a lot of ish. Ish is what she calls the snack crackers Goldfish. She must have eaten a box in two days. We never denied her the ish. We just loved hearing her say it. She had a bit of a cold and this MeMe and Pops were not going to let her get sick on our watch. While our little darling was napping or asleep we disinfected. We did laundry, we cleaned, we wiped toys down and cleaned the kitchen and the dog. We picked up and cleaned up. We picked ish off the floor and the furniture. The old dog is probably full of dropped ish. While she was up we played like children. We threw balls, fetched balls, read the same book upside down and backwards. We laughed with her until our sides ached. We tickled and chased. We put her down for a nap and wondered why we heard her talking on the monitor for an hour. Then we heard her dog Riley barking on the monitor. Uh Oh! Grandparent Goof. Dog snuck in door while baby was being put down and was "napping" in same room as baby. Baby wasn't napping but talking to her dog. Dog was quickly grabbed from room and baby finally went to night night. Why are we tired? Too much fun??This old gray mare and this mule are tired but we had a blast. We may not be what we used to be, but we sure are what we are now. Grandparents of four going on five beautiful grandchildren and proud of it. Here is to ish and night night, two of the most lovely words we know!
Sounds like your weekend was EXACTLY like mine!!! Drew and Kennedy must be on the same schedule. You forgot to mention in that schedule "answering the phone." I know Katie has probably called as many times as Jennifer has, and if we aren't feeding, playing, changing or sleeping, we are answering the phone calls!!! It's fun, but we'll be dog tired when Wednesday comes around!!
I'm so glad that you, and Kennedy, had such a great time! My parents had Luke for several days this week, and they LOVED it!
So much fun!! That little Kennedy is precious!! I wish I had been there to play with her too!
Hahahaha - you guys had so much fun! Your blog gave me a good chuckle! I'm so glad you had a precious few days with Kennedy! She really is a joy!
That made me laugh! I am glad the tired grandparents have recovered! The tired parents are trying to recover from their SO much fun in Vegas! Kennedy said she loved having you here! I was so glad to get home and hear those precious words, ish, and my favorite Momney! :) We love you guys!
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