Sea BreezesI have been tagged by my neice, Kasey. If I understand the rules, I have to 1.list 6 unimportant things about yourself 2. tag 6 other random people 3.leave a link to their blog 4.leave a I tagged you on their blog 5.link back to the person who tagged you
6.post the rules on your blog.......Here goes, six things about me
1.I had a horse when I was a teenager and went fox hunting often. Tallyhoe!
2.I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in January. I have lost over 30 lbs. and have become a daily regular at the Y. I also have a bag of fat clothes if anyone needs them.
3.I keep only complex carbohydrates in my house. Three months ago, I didn't know what one was!
4.I love yard work and islands. I spent the last two afternoons moving compost. I am going with a group of gals from school to spend three days on Sapelo Island in early June.
5.My father sold Elvis Presley all his Cadillacs.(I grew up in Memphis)
6.I am a swimaholic and swim laps most every day. I am going to take a grueling
Water Safety Instructor class in May and become a level 6 swimmer, certified to teach all levels of swim lessons.This summer I will be the swimming instructor at a camp for children of incarcerated parents.
I know that is a lot, but this is my blog.Gotcha Kasey....I am not savvy enough to link here to your blog. Sorry.
Last weekend, was our prom at school. The prom was held on Jekyll Island at the convention center, right on the beach, with the ocean kissing the shore.The venue was beautiful. Our kids were dressed up and were so handsome and beautiful. It was fun.I am posting some pictures of me and our media specialists, and also some of the kids. Enjoy.
I'm learning so much about you!!! I love it!
Oh my gosh!! Look at you at the prom!! You look gorgeous! Thanks for participating, I loved learning more about you!
You looked beautiful at the prom! And I need to hear more about your dad selling Elivis his cadillacs - really? Jonathan wants to know if he also sold him the famous cadillac he bought for his mother...
Okay, You looked beautimous at the prom! However, this Elvis connection is making me happy. I am a fan since birth.
I know the teacher in the middle...I took a class with her last summer...small world :)
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