Sea Breezes
Spring visited the coast the weekend and stopped for a couple of days here in McIntosh County. She got a little weepy on Saturday afternoon and shed a few showers of tears, but that only made the green happier and brighter. Spring brought with her lovely soft breezes, singing birds and blue skies. Uhmmm, a delicious guest. I have spring fever. Last week we hauled newly delivered compost to the garden. Saturday morning we scurried to the local nursery open house and came home with a ton of plants to slip into our beds. I spent most of Saturday covered with dirt, sweat and a smile on my face as I dug and planted. Clumps of shade loving bright pink impatiens have found a home in the beds by the front porch being watched over by towering azaleas and bright green wild fern. The new swing got a showy new bed of pink begonias fighting for attention. The arbor over the swing is dazzling with sweet confederate jasmine springing to life with bright white flowers that will bloom most of the summer and sweetly scent and shade the grand baby swinging spot. Then there is the front porch. Ah, the front porch.Two new hanging pots of pink vining begonia have each found a spot at either end of the front porch. Last week I visited my favorite outdoor furniture store, the Salvation Army, and found three pieces of black distressed wicker for under $40. Of course, it was difficult to get in the convertible, but I always manage. I had a perfect spot on the front porch, and I do love a bargain. So this weekend was fun. Harold got the garden planted, and I worked on the rest of the yard. Did I mention the three bright blue plumbago plants that I planted by the front fence? Oh, they are lovely and will fill out and bloom well into the fall. I have spring fever, and it will only get worse.Enjoy the pictures of my front porch wicker deal, the confederate jasmine climbing beside our wrought iron table, and the pink faces of the begonias talking sweetly to the grand baby swing.It's going to be a great spring here on the coast!

Sea Breezes
They finally came. Well, not they, one did. A lovely bright red cardinal.Let me back up.Last summer we hung a bird feeder out in the front yard. I put some great birdfood in the feeder. Hey, I would have eaten it, fruits and seeds. Not one bird showed up,nary a one. I have consulted bird experts. They wag their heads. Where do we live, they ask. In the country, I reply. Birds like the country. Do we have trees, they ask. Oh, yeah, six giant live oaks in the front yard, I reply. Do you have cats, they ask? No cats, I reply. Do you have close noisy neighbors, they ask. Uh, no, we live on an acre and a half corner lot with no one behind or beside, I reply. Dogs, they ask. Two old fat fart dogs who only move fast when dinner is announced, I reply. Don't know what your problem is, the bird experts conclude. So, months go by, and no feathered diners at the feeder. So this weekend, we simply moved the feeder. I sat on the front porch and waited. Saturday afternoon he finally came. Mr. Cardinal took his place at our birdfeeder and enjoyed our buffet. No others feathered friends came, but we are hopeful. Mr. Cardinal will surely tell his friends about the new eating establisment in the neighborhood. It all goes back to the old adage, location, location, location. We moved the feeder and they, well he, came.

Sea Breezes
I have been tagged by my neice, Kasey. If I understand the rules, I have to 1.list 6 unimportant things about yourself 2. tag 6 other random people 3.leave a link to their blog 4.leave a I tagged you on their blog 5.link back to the person who tagged you
6.post the rules on your blog.......Here goes, six things about me
1.I had a horse when I was a teenager and went fox hunting often. Tallyhoe!
2.I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in January. I have lost over 30 lbs. and have become a daily regular at the Y. I also have a bag of fat clothes if anyone needs them.
3.I keep only complex carbohydrates in my house. Three months ago, I didn't know what one was!
4.I love yard work and islands. I spent the last two afternoons moving compost. I am going with a group of gals from school to spend three days on Sapelo Island in early June.
5.My father sold Elvis Presley all his Cadillacs.(I grew up in Memphis)
6.I am a swimaholic and swim laps most every day. I am going to take a grueling
Water Safety Instructor class in May and become a level 6 swimmer, certified to teach all levels of swim lessons.This summer I will be the swimming instructor at a camp for children of incarcerated parents.
I know that is a lot, but this is my blog.Gotcha Kasey....I am not savvy enough to link here to your blog. Sorry.
Last weekend, was our prom at school. The prom was held on Jekyll Island at the convention center, right on the beach, with the ocean kissing the shore.The venue was beautiful. Our kids were dressed up and were so handsome and beautiful. It was fun.I am posting some pictures of me and our media specialists, and also some of the kids. Enjoy.

Sea Breezes
This is a very special weekend in our little coastal shrimping community. This Sunday is the annual Blessing of the Fleet. All of the shrimp boats will form a flotilla on the Darien River and drive by to receive a blessing for a safe and successful shrimping season. I have never been, and I am excited to go. The weekend is also full of a carnival atmosphere with booths, live music on the river, dancing and tons of races, food, the works. The focus of my blog today is the blessings themselves offered by community organizations and businesses that caught my eye in our weekly paper. I would like to share some of them.
"Bless our Fleet"
"Best Wishes For A Bountiful Harvest 2008"
"My your seas be calm,
and may your nets be filled with Wild Georgia Shrimp"
"May your nets be overflowing"
"May this season be blessed, with nets filled with shrimp, calm seas, and safe vessels for our fishermen"
"May our fishermen be blessed"
"We wish you a bountiful harvest"
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107: 23,24
"May our fishermen be blessed with a bountiful harvest, calm waters and safe harbor."
It is so precious to be part of a community that calls on God's blessings for its livelihood. Shrimping is the very heart of our community. The sea is our neighbor, and she gives her bounty so that so many can prosper here in this lovely place. I thank God everyday that I am allowed to live here. On Sunday we will watch the boats go by and receive their blessings, and we, too, will be thankful. God does indeed give His bounty of love, keeps us safe, and brings us to calm waters.

Sea Breezes
The Old Gray Mare and her husband the old Gray Mule are home from keeping the precious granddaughter. We are so tired, we haven't stirred sinced we walked in the door. The 14 plus year old dog that went with us is still asleep in his dog bed. What's wrong with us? The precious granddaughter takes two naps a day and goes to bed around seven in the evening. She sleeps all night. She eats three meals a day, eats I can't remember how many snacks, gets her diaper changed I can't remember how many times, plays with every toy she owns, laughs at everything we do, wants and gets to read every book she touches, dances to her singing duck and eats a lot of ish. Ish is what she calls the snack crackers Goldfish. She must have eaten a box in two days. We never denied her the ish. We just loved hearing her say it. She had a bit of a cold and this MeMe and Pops were not going to let her get sick on our watch. While our little darling was napping or asleep we disinfected. We did laundry, we cleaned, we wiped toys down and cleaned the kitchen and the dog. We picked up and cleaned up. We picked ish off the floor and the furniture. The old dog is probably full of dropped ish. While she was up we played like children. We threw balls, fetched balls, read the same book upside down and backwards. We laughed with her until our sides ached. We tickled and chased. We put her down for a nap and wondered why we heard her talking on the monitor for an hour. Then we heard her dog Riley barking on the monitor. Uh Oh! Grandparent Goof. Dog snuck in door while baby was being put down and was "napping" in same room as baby. Baby wasn't napping but talking to her dog. Dog was quickly grabbed from room and baby finally went to night night. Why are we tired? Too much fun??This old gray mare and this mule are tired but we had a blast. We may not be what we used to be, but we sure are what we are now. Grandparents of four going on five beautiful grandchildren and proud of it. Here is to ish and night night, two of the most lovely words we know!

Sea Breezes
Hey Kennedy, Katie and Greg! MeMe and Pops are coming!! Here is a picture of you and Mommy and Daddy in front of MeMe and Pop's house. We will take a picture with you in front of your house. Mommy and Daddy are going to Las Vegas. Can you say Las Vegas? We will have more fun than them. We will read books, play babies, eat gold fish, go on walks, feed ducks and fish and ride in the wagon. We will swing and eat ice cream. We love you and will see you tomorrow. Love MeMe