Sea BreezesMy husband does not get a spring break. He is not a teacher. So, today, instead of cleaning the garage or working on his boat, I talked him into going with me for a next to last day of beach sitting. The above shot is what we did most of the day. It was wonderful! March on our beaches is lovely. The water is cool but bearable.The weather was in the mid seventies with a light chop to the water. The sky was crystal blue, the wind was light and the tide was coming in. We packed a lunch, put the top down on the covertible, threw in the towels and the beach chairs and headed for the island. It was old home week on the Old Coast Guard Station beach. I must have seen half our school staff there. I introduced Harold to several collegues in their swimwear. After holding hands and walking a couple of miles, we read books and just sat. I found a few beach treasures to add to my shell collection. In the afternoon we went to the Y and swam laps in the outdoor pool, as if we hadn't had enough water. After a quick trip to Walmart, we headed home, sandy and tired. Breaking for spring can be exhausting, but it is more fun shared with someone you love. Thanks Harold!
Thank you for the comment! I love that you read my posts. Brian and I are considering moving out of Dyersburg. Brian has been working all over west TN, but primarily in Jackson. Please pray for us during this time. Over the past few years we have built such strong relationships with friends and in our church, but have become completely disconnected with Brian's family. It breaks my heart literally, but I think I could find some peace in the situation with physical distance. Thanks for the real estate advice. I need to look into the FSBO blogs, if you run across anything feel free to send info my way.
I think I might vomit...you and dad holding hands...having a romantic day.....GROSS! :) Your son-in-love is also very grossed out! Keep your feelings to yourself! Quit blogging! Just kidding....
I'm so super jealous of your beach time!
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