Sea BreezesSunrise, Easter Morning is finally here. I am so happy to see this sunrise. We had a great crowd at church this morning. Father Ted called out "The Lord is Risen!" The congregation responded, "The Lord is Risen indeed, Alleluia!" Our music was full and happy and vibrant. "Welcome happy morning age to age shall say" Welcome Easter Day. My grandchildren were full of bunnies and eggs and new Easter clothes on this joyous day. I wish I could have held each one of them. They are too young to know that "death is conquered, we are free...Christ has won the victory." But we older ones know, and that makes life so much sweeter. There is nothing at all to fear. Just as those brightly colored eggs represent the beauty of new life, so this Easter day, for all of us, tells us to begin to live. He is not here, He is risen. Start this day to celebrate the life Christ has given you. Happy Easter.
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