Sea Breezes In the night the change begins. God gets His mighty paint palette out and starts creating another masterpiece.Every morning when I awaken, there is more color, more vibrancy, more, more, more. I can barely breathe, and I haven't even left my front porch. Spring has arrived, and she is dressed in splendor. My native azaleas are too busy dancing under the front porch dressed in their finest peach silk gowns with an edge of ecru to even notice the idiot hanging over the porch gawking at them. They look so fine, swaying in unison with the Spanish moss hanging off the old oaks that didn't even bother to change out of her winter gray for the spring fling. In the background, some vivid purple wisteria hangs over the fence railing as if to announce she too is at the dance. Dotted golden yellow winter jasmine joins the party farther down the backyard fence. Under the garage windows, some older azaleas shake their deep pink gowns in the breeze and compete for best of show. It is spring and I am jumping. I should not be allowed to drive a car this time of year. I have so much to see that I have trouble keeping my eyes off the road and beyond. If you think the spring party is hopping at my house, you ought to see the marsh and river spring fling. I am afraid to go to the ocean, no telling what God is painting there. I will hold more spring observations to another post. I am going to continue to be a wallflower and hang out on my porch to watch my local dance. Our God is a mighty artist. I you love art, look around. The world is His gallery and admission is free. Enjoy the shots of the spring dance from our front porch.
Just beautiful. My favorite time of year.
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