Sea BreezesChildren in my world are eagerly awaiting the coming of Christmas. Little Kennedy got up this morning and announced to her mommy, "It's Christmas today!" She is so excited. Children in my world and all around the world are awaiting the coming of Christmas with the expectation and excitement that only children have. The excitement is truly contagious. I haven't forgotten those long ago Christmas Eve's where I impatiently awaited the folds of sleep to lay over me so Christmas morning would arrive faster. I still anticipate Christmas with an excitement and a longing. I am older, well, much older than that child who couldn't wait. Now I await with a longing and an understanding of the Christmas miracle. Christmas Eve we will dress in our holiday best and drive to church for the late Christmas service. When the children were smaller, we went to the earlier family service. As they got older, we all went to the later service, always my favorite. To be in His house at midnight when Christmas day begins, is to me, always thrilling. The service shines with lights, and music, and candles glowing. We sing the familiar hymns that welcome the Christ Child. The liturgy celebrates The Nativity of Our Lord, and we are ever reminded that Love came down to live among us. We, an ordinary, imperfect, past middle aged couple in a little shrimping village on the coast in a little white clapboard church, celebrate a King. Join us this Christmas Eve in prayer and praise and thanksgiving for such Love. Friends and family, even if we don't see you often or talk with you often, know that we love you all.
Oh come, let us adore Him.
Christ, the Lord.
Have a holy and happy Christmas.
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