Sea Breezes This morning at church was lovely and joyful. The rain from the previous days hung heavy in the air, the Spanish moss hung dark and wet from the trees as if hungover with the previous evening's rain. The quick brush with winter was stopped, at least for the morning, as a warmth took over the air. Pictured is my beloved St. Andrew's Episcopal church here in Darien where we worship. We went deeper into our Advent season this morning. Father Ted spoke of joy during this season of personal penitence and preparation. The joy is the redemption and forgiveness of Christ that is constant, even while we prepare our hearts and our homes for the coming of The Christ Child. Our Advent music is full of promise and preparation. We sang one of my favorite Advent hymns, "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus".
Come thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free.
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in thee.
Born they people to deliver;
Born a child and yet a king,
Born to raise in us forever
Ever more our praises ring.
We are waiting for the birth of a baby, who was also born a king. He frees us from our fears and our sins. I don't know about you, but my fears and my sins can just paralyze me sometimes. I start worrying and next thing I know, I am on this worry train to nowhere, when I could have been traveling those same moments filled with rest and joy. Praise seems to be a wonderful substitute for worry and sin. I am really going to try to praise Him when these worry and sin moments creep in. During this Advent season, I have a lot to do. Jesus is coming and I have to get my heart ready. My home is all decorated. That was fun. This self cleaning is not as easy as my self cleaning oven. I have lots of dusty worry and sins I have gathered over the year in all the rooms of my heart that need cleaning. Born a Child and yet a King. Only God would think of that. I can't wait until Christmas.
Thank you for sharing your heart on the blog... blesses us all!
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