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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Sea BreezesHonesty is a hard word to define. Maybe it has to do with your real feelings or really what happened. I feel my blog is a place for honesty. The dear folks who take the time to read what this plain woman writes deserve honesty.

My husband still strives diligently to find a job, and I work diligently to support him with positive thoughts and actions which sometimes slip into fear and uncertainty....then prayer comes, and I feel strength again. The future looms like a monster some days, and then I am reminded that I am only to worry about today, that God takes care of tomorrow.

Two nights ago, a tree smashed our garage and both cars, one is fixable, both need replacing. Again, what if it rains, here that fear thing starts again, and all our garage stuff gets wet? God reminds me not to worry, just walk in today. So you have it, I am being honest. It takes the Lord to keep tapping me on the shoulder to remind me that His help is on the way. In fact, not only does He say worry is sinful, He tells me to "be thankful in all things!" Boy, I have some God....He has it covered. So, I am thankful that my husband is unemployed and that we have no cars to drive." There, that was easy. I feel better knowing I just have to walk through this with my head held high and trusting my Lord.

If you are walking through a storm, try being honest and doing what the Lord tells you to do. First of all it settles your anxiety and fear and opens up a whole new realm of possibilities in life. I worship a Lord who can walk on water and create a universe. Surely a smashed garage and a jobless husband is within His power!

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