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Monday, March 26, 2012


Sea BreezesI love being a writer. What are you? We are all so many things. Why is it important that we label ourselves. I guess it is just human nature to call yourself something. I am a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law, a grandmother, a friend, an enemy to some I am sure. I am a rider of horses and an owner and lover of English Cocker Spaniels. I am a teacher and a singer. I am probably a million more things I could come up with. That means I am somebody. I am a talker. I am a leader, sometimes, and a follower at others. None of the labels I can come up with are as important as....I am a Christian....a follower of Christ. I am an imperfect follower, but a follower nonetheless. I love His love because He doesn't judge me. He doesn't keep tabs with how often I call him, or pray or read His Word.

He loves me no matter how bad, depressed or mean I am. He loves me when I am right and when I am wrong. During this Lent I want to focus more on what it means to follow The Christ, my Lord, the God with no name, the great I Am. I am a writer today, and I am loved. Have a holy Holy week. Holy means "set apart". I hope you consider setting yourself apart for the greatest love of all.

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