Sea BreezesThe magic is coming....tomorrow night.....I can't wait...I hope you believe in the magic of Christmas. Funny, the magic comes whether we believe or not. Believing is seeing!
The sun sets on Christmas Eve, and the air cools and the breeze stirs. The magic begins.
Like so many years ago....a young woman great with child traveled riding a donkey while her young husband walked beside her, confused and worried...yet trusting in the magic.....he found a place for them to stay in Bethlehem...the best this young husband could do was a stable, a home for animals, but I am sure he appreciated the shelter and drew warmth from the animals.
Soon, his young wife gave birth, with the help of the magic.
A son was born, they named the baby, Jesus. They were warm and happy. The young husband knew his tiny son was special, a magical son who belonged first to God.
I can't wait to celebrate this magic at the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord tomorrow night at our beautiful little church. I can't wait to sing the celebration music and look at the ruby red communion wine sparkling with the lights of the church.
The magic is coming and I will be ready. I will dress carefully and ask for the only gift I want for Christmas....the gift of the Holy Spirit. I can't wait for the magic. I hope you are ready. Merry Christmas to you all.

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