Sea Breezes A Morning Resolve
I will try this day to live a simple, sincere and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking: cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and the habit of holy silence: exercising economy in expenditure, generosity in giving, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, and a childlike faith in God.
In particular, I will try to be faithful in those habits of prayer, work, study, physical exercise, eating and sleep which I believe the Holy Spirit has shown me to be right.
And as I cannot in my own strength do this, nor even with a hope of success attempt it, I look to thee, O Lord God my Father, in Jesus my Savior, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
..From "Forward Day By Day" author unknown-
I have begun reading this prayer each morning and am amazed at how powerful the events in my day have become in shaping my walk with Christ. I hope you will find it as strong and powerful for you.
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