Sea BreezesWe are laughing all the time now. There is a good reason. Her name is Pippin, and she is a first class clown, also known as an English Cocker Spaniel, almost six months old, puppy.
I should be sad. I have written two dog obituaries in the past several months. The dogs were my "bestest" friends, Trooper and Toby, and I miss them so much. God put a hairy bundle of energy into my dog loving arms to take their place-but not replace them.
Thanks to God's perfect timing, I find myself laughing at the antics of Pippin. How did she know the toilet paper rolls out behind her when she grabs a small peice and runs through the house? I found myself laughing when I went to iron my new little white sweater and found not one, but two holes, perfectly placed and perfectly holes.
It is at this point readers, that you must be thinking, I would not want that going on in my house, that destructive little puppy. Well, you gotta see her. She is soooo cute and constantly happy. She is learning and trying hard to get it right. She is already gotten housebroken, so what is a sweater and some toilet paper through the living room? Her stub of a tail wags from the time she gets up....uh...5 am....until bedtime. She makes me walk every day. Putting in a full day, with exercise with a fun friend is not all bad. She also is a couch potato. She loves to watch TV and read. This breed loves water. I love water. So, all in all, she is fitting in very well. Enjoy the face that always puts a smile on mine.
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