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Monday, July 27, 2009

Do the Young Parents Realize?

The cousins reading at the Children's museum
Our dimpled doll!
Whit thinks he is as big as the rest!
Seconds after this shot, they group hugged and fell off the back of the rock....
A sprinkler park is a ton of fun for all the cousins
Can you feel the love of these cousins?....This is imprinted on my heart...
Our grandbabies are book crazy!!
Aunt Katie reads....forgive me Katie..its about the grandbabies..this pix
He looks so much like his daddy...
The face of a cherub....

Sea BreezesGrandparenting is a ton of fun and a lot of responsibility. Do the young parents, our children, know that? Do they know that we think about our grand babies all day and all night long and pray, pray, pray for them and love, love, love them? Do they know that we dream they live right next door to us? Do they know we wish we could be better grandparents? Do they realize we regret all the mistakes we made as parents but we also celebrate their grown up successes? Do they even have a clue? Do they know that in a flicker of an instant, we catch our own grandmother's smile in their baby's smile? Do they know we smirk when we hear them sing a song our own mother sang to us? Do our own children realize we don't really care that we don't get credit for how great they turned out as adults? Do they know how beautiful and perfect we think our grandchildren are? Do they realize how hard it is for us to keep our mouths shut about their parenting, although they are perfect parents? Do they realize how important and necessary it is for us to retell the same story? Do our "in-Love" ie. in-law children realize they are the answer to years of prayer and that we love them equally as we do our "we raised them" children? Do they even realize we only want to stay around as long as we can to love our grandchildren? I wonder if they realize? Enjoy the shots of all our grand babies. They are perfect and precious.


Katie said...

Awwww...that made me teary!!! We love the old grandparents too!

Kittie "Kat" said...

well said!!