Sea Breezes When you live near this much water, you gotta have a boat. At least that was my understanding of life. Well, therein lies a problem. Boats are pricey. I grew up in a boating family, and the day came when I finally decided this family needed a proper boat. School had just started last year and it was right around Harold's birthday. One of the teachers at my school was selling, and I use that term loosely, more like begging, someone to buy her husband's boat at a very low price. I mean very low price. That is where I came along. I needed to buy my husband a birthday present, and I had boats on the brain...such was launched the buying and delivery of the biggest and most whacko present I have ever bought for my husband. The day I bought the boat from my school friend Mrs. McCann was the day I found out the unspoken wisdom of all boat owners. The two best days of a boat owner's life are the day he buys the boat and the day he sells the boat. Well, I bought the boat. My school buddy Mr. Yonkers, his wife Karen and I picked the boat up at the storage facility where it had been stored for over two years, and hauled it behind Mr. Yonker's pickup to my house. (Mr. Yonkers lives on a sailboat at the Brunswick Marina, but that story is for another day.) We had to stop on the way to air up a trailer tire. At that point in the story, if you have figured the boat has not been in the water in a while, you are right. We got the boat home and Harold was very surprised by his birthday present. The fact that the boat still does not start and we do not know the cost of getting it out on the water does not deter from the fact that the Sartin family now owns a boat. Harold did make me promise, that the next time I buy something with a motor, I make sure it runs first. Plans are to have us and the old dogs out on that boat the first good fishing day this spring. I'll be sure and take a picture when that happens. You know, if you live near water, you gotta have a boat!
Hey Phyllis! If it makes you feel any better, my dad bought a brand new boat in the fall - right before the drought started. It's been beached on dry sand since the week after he bought it. Who knows if it will even run when the lake fills back up! The motor is probably full of sand!
This made me laugh!
We also have a boat-it was a "surprise" from my husband! He got a "great deal" from a friend in NY and had it shipped down here. We knew nothing about boats-had never owned a boat-had rarely been in a boat-but we had to have one. Now we are boat lovers, albeit slow-to-learn boat lovers! Our biggest adventure to date was day trip to Fernandina last year. We have got to get out on the water together!
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