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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Sea BreezesThe morning sunlight is streaming through the window on this lovely Sunday morning. I have said before so much, I love Sunday mornings. We sit with our coffee, English Cocker Spaniels, one for each of us and enjoy PBS radio. What nerds we are! I love that a day is set aside for worship.

I have suddenly had a strange turn in my life. I am having fun being a Christian. I am not responsible for someone believing, I am only responsible for planting a seed of hope in them and telling them about my sweet Lord. It is so joyful to wear my cross and announce to the world I follow the Christ. Do I have to walk around being perfect? I try, but fail so miserably; my God forgives my shortcomings. I do try to love all I meet and leave their presence with some comment to make them smile.

I have to get ready for church. I am so fortunate to go to the most kind of churches. Our little Episcopal church is full of joy and love for one another. I am loved there, prayed for and appreciated. What more could I ask for. Try Christ;try peace that the world understandith not!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gosh, I love Him

Sea BreezesWhat a beautiful day today-mid nineties. We didn't make it to the beach. Harold hurt his back working on the lawnmower and had to go to Brunwick for a new tire. Our Carolina Jasmine is blooming and the front porch smells like Heaven. We still have leaves to rake-our live oaks shed this time of year. Isn't that weird if you don't live on the coast?

Lately, I wonder were God will plant us. I only know we will bloom where we are planted. We hope we get to stay here as we love our church and our friends. I have found my dream home and little farm on 13 acres. City folk would have a fit, it is in the middle of nowhere and right on the marsh. There is a statue of St. Francis in the woods. An omen? I hope so

I will meet a new friend tomorrow who has two beautiful Arabians. I have never been around Arabians and am excited about meeting them. She lives in a development with a barn. How enchanting for her! Hope your weekend is going well. It is so nice to be away from my students for two days. Summer is coming soon and so is my sanity. Love to you all who stop and read my random thoughts.Remember that God goes before us, so He gets us ready for what He has in store; gosh I love Him.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Here We Are Just Where God Wants Us

Sea BreezesHere we are....unemployed....Harold lost his job in December and is daily working to find employment in this difficult economy. He is so positive. That is a beautiful thing to see. His faith is unwaivering. and his reliance on God is his source of strength. God has something special for him, we both know that. If you are going through a big wave in life, remember that Our Lord walked on the water and He will be your lifesaver. Have a lovely weekend. We will take the dogs to the beach for a walk, and enjoy a lovely day together. We will weather this storm and be ready for the soft waves to lap on our shores. Have a lovely weekend.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Goodbye Spring

Sea BreezesWhat happened to our spring? Here on the coast spring comes in so fast and runs away as if summer is chasing her. Summer lives here, I am sure of it. We will hit the high 80's this week. Now before you say, you couldn't stand this heat, well slow down. You do get used to it. Mid 90's and above in the summer with 100 per cent humidity is the norm. I become like an alligator going from pool to pool. Fortunately, I have friends with pools who like to swim with friends who have pools. Ah summer, I was born for summer.

School will be over soon. This has been a tough year, and I am so glad to hit the beach, the pool and the horse along with the bicycle. Staying active is so important, and I plan on doing a lot of that this summer.

Hope your spring is longer than ours. Easter was so fun. We went to the farm and shot pistols off the front porch into the pond and then settled down for a lovely meal. We feed the horses carrots and enjoyed a country Easter. Thank goodness, HE is risen! Happy spring.