Doing what you love is so important, especially at the grandmother stage of life. I love my friends and family, laughing and talking with them. I love the love my English Cocker Spaniels give me and all the antics they come up with. I love reading along side my husband of 39 years. I love trying to learn to knit, which I also did this summer. I love the soft muzzle of a horse against my face and my arms around his big neck. I love the bray of a young donkey which also I experienced this summer. I love sitting atop a horse and running at break neck speed. I love picking fresh blueberries, organic of course, and eating as much as I pick. I love to hear about what grand babies are doing all day. I love swimming in a pool like a child and hating to get out. I love singing for no one in particular. I love watching the river flow by. I love watching the tide come in.
Do what you love. Love is from God. Cherish this moment. Enjoy the rest of summer. Summer is for loving.