Sea BreezesWe spent our Thanksgiving holiday in Montreat in the mountains of North Carolina. We didn't have all of our kids with us. Patrick and girlfriend Holly stayed on St. Simons as Patrick's work schedule kept him home. Usually everyone travels to our house for the big turkey day, and we bunk up like teenagers all over our house. This year Tonya's radiation schedule wouldn't allow for travel from home very far, so we met them at Montreat, a Presbyterian retreat not far from Asheville. The retreat was beautiful, the mountains were alive with the last remnants of fall color. Our weather was warm, for mountain weather, and sunny during the day, chilly during the evening. The "cousins" had a blast playing together and exchanged Christmas presents. We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner in the grand hall of Montreat after a sweet Thanksgiving service.
The giving of thanks. This year has been an eye opener for all of us. Tonya's diagnosis and cancer treatment has been paramount in all our thoughts and prayers. I have said it before, she has handled all in an amazing way. She is strong and valiant and fighting with all she has. She has everything, you see, to fight with. She loves our Lord and trusts in His healing power. She fights with the strength and victory of God's amazing love and grace.
The giving of thanks. The freedom to offer our praise and Thanksgiving to Christ is a gift He has given us. He gives us a freedom to live our lives free of worry, or cares, or fear. Do I live a life free of worry, care or fear? I try so hard, and I fail so miserably. I am thankful He knows my weaknesses and lifts me back up again. Are you like me, trying so hard to please Him and serve Him and messing up in the process?
The giving of thanks. A gift. I thank the Lord that He has blessed us with the gift of children and that He has allowed us to see our children's children. Blake, Tonya, Henley, Lander, Paisley, Katie, Greg, Kennedy, Whitfield, Patrick, Holly-as long as I draw breath on this earth, I pledge to love you each with all I have and all I am. To Harold, we made our vows so many years ago. I pledge to you to love you always and always. I
So this Thanksgiving, stop and think about Love came down, took on our burdens, became one of us, and died for our sins that we might live eternally. God is Love, and where true Love is, God Himself is there. I am thankful for that Love.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.