Sea BreezesI am so blessed in so many ways. Today was one of those days I really appreciate my blessings. I spent the day with my "collegues", the wonderful beach babes I work with at school. What a great group of precious friends. We managed to meet at the beach and stayed there ALL day. We come from all parts of the country, all backgrounds, and we are the best of friends.....and we get to work and play together and live in this beautiful place. We stayed so long the tide went out and I do declare was on its way back in when we all packed up to go home. Some live on the island, others not, but we are all within a 20-30 minute drive of our favorite St. Simons beach. We even made plans to go visit the beach together after school this year. What fun! We talked about everything under the sun, laughed, solved each other's problems, answered questions and shared teaching tips. Kate whistled at a passing dolphin who turned her head toward us, amazing! We watched big ships come and go and sailboats dancing in the wind. All of this under a blue cloud dotted sky and a soothing sea breeze tickling our hair. We found sand dollars and bobbed in the waves. A fun day. I will go to school in the morning and work on my room, but I think I will sneak back to the beach. Don't tell! Enjoy some shots of the precious beach babes of Brunswick High.