Sea Breezes What in our world is going on this Father's Day weekend? Harold and I went to the pool on Saturday and had a lot of fun. We became children for a couple of hours and swam laps, went down the slide and tossed a ball in the water. After the pool found us buying a Father's Day present of a new coffee bean grinder for my coffee loving husband. We had dinner at a new hamburger joint in Brunswick and headed home to feed, what H affectionately calls "the stable." We are grand dog sitting. Toby, the 14 plus year old Doxie, and Riley, the grand dog Doxie, are photographed sharing Toby's bed. Riley is shown sharing a moment with Sappy the new cat. Trooper, the old mutt, is asleep in a freshly dug hole as of this writing and refused to be photographed. This leads me to today's surprise. I was out in the yard spray painting some wicker and H called out to announce there was a homing pigeon on the front porch. Yeah, right! Well, there was a homing pigeon on the front porch and he is still there! He has a band on his leg, which we haven't gotten close enough to examine. I put some bird seed out for him and some fresh water. He feasted on both and is now asleep under the bench on the porch. Did God direct this beautiful bird to our porch for rest and refreshment? We have been sitting on the porch just enjoying his presence and admiring the lovely pink and green feathers on his breast that glow in the sunlight. How often do we get the gift of a feathered visitor? How long will he stay? I don't know, but this tired and hungry bird came to us today and reminded me that our Lord appears in all forms of His creation. We were honored to be able to feed, water and provide rest and shelter for this friendly and beautiful bird today. In return, he glided off the porch, wings spread wide and gave us an air show as he maneuvered through the live oak limbs, landing gracefully back on the porch railing. How magical that our Lord whispers and guides his birds to safety and shelter. They listen to their creator. Shouldn't we, His children, be quiet, still and listen to our creator also? This is a lesson I learned today. I am sure that this is going to be a wonderful summer for me for lesson learning. I will be sure to share them all with you. "Be still and know that I am God." Enjoy the pictures of our feathered guest and the rest of our stable.